Saturday, March 28, 2009

The Truth about Life and Earth Hour

The simple truth about life is no pain, no gain.

If you really want to help the earth, earth doesn't need one hour. It doesn't need one day. It needs decades of sacrifice to undo the decades of damage we've already done to it.

So stop being a hypocrite. If you really want to help, learn to live without that air conditioner. Start walking to the shop instead of driving. Stop changing your handphone so often. Stop buying the latest gadgets just because you happen to have a passing fancy.

The ruination of this earth is grounded in one simple problem, human greed and a selfish desire for convenience at any cost. As long as we continue to buy voraciously the products of this system and demand an artificially sustained standard of living, we feed the materialistic system that devours the resources existing and damages the environment.

In the end, it's simple. Saving this earth is not going to be convenient. Are you willing to take the pain to get the gain of a clean future? That is a question that cannot be answered in one hour. Think about it.

1 comment:

Catherine said...

I was thinking the same thing.
Earth Hour is supposed to be a msg to the world for an active role played by all parties to save earth from global warming. A long term effort to save the earth. Shouldn't stop after that one hour. =)

visit my blog. ^^

i wrote something there. hope ppl get my msg...