Sunday, June 10, 2007

Bridge to Terabithia

5 stars and entrance to my list of all time favourite movies.

That's how I rate this movie. I loved it, no kidding. True it's a disney movie, and yes, it's based around a fantasy world. But deep down, this movie had heart, a heart unlike any other.

Be forewarned though, while this movie is about kids it is in very few ways a kids movie. By dealing with the theme of loss in a manner that dignifies it, this movie gains it's strongest points and teaches a great lesson. Life is dealt with in equal amounts cruelty and beauty. This is a movie that needs an open mind and heart to be truly appreciated.

Watch it.

Saturday, June 09, 2007


Eureka! for me that is. Asking myself honestly why I don't take my writing more seriously and put a little more discipline into it, quite probably, I just don't care. That and perhaps the ability to write in such a way so as to shape opinions and beliefs just isn't in me.

Don't get me wrong, words do carry great power. The written word can convey more than perhaps any other medium over the longest time period available. Definitely a significant part of my thoughts, opinions, knowledge and wisdom were shaped by the written word. Good writers like Orwell, Marx, Swift, Asimov and Sagan have always moved and impressed me.

But keeping in mind that every action should have a reason and that the time every man is given is finite, perhaps instead of forcing the pen to paper so to speak [or rather in this case, reluctant fingers to the keyboard.] I'd have to admit that my reason for writing can certainly not be very good if my writing ain't. Or if I don't really give a s***e about what I'm writing, even though I might know it well, then there's little point to it.

So much for wanting to be a writer. Call me a wuss for running away and not being disciplined enough to push my digits but I'd rather be willing to admit my limitations. Cheerios

Thursday, June 07, 2007

I have... a problem

Like the title reads, I have a problem. I can't seem to bloody put what I am thinking down on paper these days. A set of brilliant ideas or some good analysis might be floating around in my head, and then when I actually sit down to put it into writing, wallah! It's all gone.

Probably the reason is that I've been so lazy to put my thoughts down into writing in the past, now when I actually want to do it, the ability has atrophied! Or maybe I just need some pressure to do it, cause the Technical Communications paper certainly wasn't a problem. Anyway, here's to my new found inability to write, and to getting the drive back to rehabilitate this atrophied limb of mine.