Wednesday, March 07, 2007

the Weird tag...

Darn I've been tagged... Since I've also been labelled weird for ALL of sue's blogreaders to see, I shall respond, and prove her right ;)

Each player of this game starts off by giving 6 weird things about themselves. People who get tagged need to write in a blog of their own 6 weird things as well as state the rules clearly. In the end, you need to choose 6 people to be tagged and list their names. After you do that, leave them each a comment letting them know you tagged them and to read your blog.

the Weird stuff

1. When I'm sick, I exercise. I'll jog, lift weights, do situps, cycle myself to exhaustion. Takes my mind of being sick and suprisingly helps me to heal within a day or two.

2. I think Im a closet adrenaline junkie. I love risk, more accurately, I love the feeling I get when I'm so close to the edge, my hands get clammy and the heart siezes, there's no time to think, and then the rush after that when you successfully pull back, and the rush comes. Applies in hell of alot of ways. Whether I'm biking, balancing on a beam, or making a large decision or dealing with a tough person.

3. I'd rather read a geopolitical brief than spend time on mindless chatter about the latest celebrity star, what they wore, who they're doing it with, or how beautiful they are.

4. I think that fast cars are toys. You want real beauty and power, stop talking about Subaru Imprezzas or McLaren F1's. Think Nimitz Class aircraft carrier or Typhoon ballistic missile submarine. The power to wipe 120 cities clean off the map in my opinion definitely beats being able to reach 300KmH 0.1 seconds faster than the next car. [I do however love the Elise - minimalist, agile, fast. Ssswwweeet.]

5. I love bathing in icy cold water early in the morning. Did that in NZ. Loved it. If I could, I'd take part in the crazy once a year jump into the alaskan sea stunt. Though I'll probably die of hypothermia after that, at least I'll die happy.

6. When I go to public places, the most interesting displays are the people walking around. Society is the most interesting creature.

Yeah, I'm weird. I kinda like it. Deal with it.

Tagged : Mel, May, Siew. too lazy to think of others.